Bethel Cito AMEC, African Methodist Episcopal Church, is one of two living historical sites that reflect the African American presence in Fulton County. The other is the Freedom Hill Cemetery which is located off 30 West in the Heritage Heights Community. The church was built in 1903 by African American and white people who recognized the need for the people of color to have a place to worship. It has stood for centuries as a beacon of light symbolizing fortitude and courage that comes through worship. It also serves as a meeting place for the community as well as an advocate against injustice for all people. Though weather beaten and sometimes leaning, the pillars echo the sentiment that God will be the ram in the bush and the Shepard who refuses to lose not one sheep regardless of race or ethnicity, class or orientation. It speaks softly, “who so ever will come is welcome.” Just like the tree planted by the water, Bethel Cito African Methodist Episcopal Church will not be moved. It represents a people who cry out, “We are still here and still strong!”